Saturday, August 26, 2006


wOOOT i got my N.I.K.E B.I.R.D vouchers today!!!
Give emmy 100 then the rest i can go buy bag, clothes and shoes!! =X
Em say monday we go shopping at night, after my work.

Today, was helping out at the shop to pack up stuffs to prepare for renovation, Sony damn rich lor, not even one year since the last renovation, now wanna do another one. Rich japanese people, well since its free, might as well renovate till nice nice ^^

Got my new keyboard too, the last one had the enter key broken =X
Got my phone back toooO!! wooot can take photo le! Finally.....hope to take a few photos with Chermont (*^ ^*)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

my thighs are on firE my trainer trying to murder me. Made me work on the step machine until my thighs burn out.

Then my circuit consists of
1. Chest Press
2. Quads training (i think so, something that i have to use my feet to push and life the weights)
3. Lat Machine or lat press, something like tt, it works the back muscle.
4. Lunges (Omg i not good at it, probably because i burned my thighs earlier.)

3 sets

After workout, i went to the bakera in the basement of paragon to get some bread.

Then went to east point to repair my phone, using a Z520i at the moment until my phone comes back.
Ate lunch, nasi lemak at east point before meeting up with em, when i reached, i learnt that ah mah had to undergo a surgery to remove her cataract on her right eye. ( could be wrong)
Went to the arcade at EP to play after that, long time nv play the EZ2Dancer , quite fun haha but rusty le T_T

After hanging out at EP till evening, me and emmy went to tampines mall to find verna and see how big her tummy become le, sianz mine like still bigger than verna's tummy T_T
I better do something abt my weight ^^
Then we went to whitesands popular bookstore to get emmy's staplets for her workplace.
She ate eggs at ya kun while i munch on the french toast + iced coffee, heee she walked me home but i waited with her for her bus.

So long no one pei me walk home le.

The sun gives the moon light everday.
Without fail, without dismay.
Never expecting anything in return,
Nor asking for any attention.
Eventually the sun would die,
Not knowing he lived a life of lies.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Monday bLuEs

b L u e S

BlEahx....i'll probably start mugging on math and the latter.
Was working the whole of yesterday, will be starting work this coming friday.
Wont be taking any off days though. But will go to work later on mons, weds and fridays, will be at the gym working out in the morning these few days.
And when i get my timetable, i'll look out to find time to work on the weekdays after school or something. Hopefully i get to work atleast one more extra day per week, or prefably 2.

I wanna save up money for the next vacation trip and also for a present for my 妹 as well as her dad, Muto sama. He actually shipped a Tamagotchi 玉ごち over for me T_T I feel so bad.
Cos the other time when i was in Tokyo, i wasnt able to find any, it was sold out all over. Muto san saw me looking for one and told me not to worry, he would ship one over when there is stock on it.
And true enough, last thursday, my 妹 told me that her dad sent a parcel with a 玉ごち in it!
So i guess i should get him something, like maybe a wallet or a watch or something. He took really good care of me and Ivern when we were there, he brought us out for dinner and paid for our expenses T_T
Including our tickets and to disney land and fujikyu highland. He even drove us to those destinations, which is alot of money!!! Cos he got to pay the tolls and stuff which is like 30+ sing dollars.

Would probably go down tml to workout after math paper, and probably grab a birthday card in Paragon for Shi Min.

HmmmmMm i wonder if Chermont did her homework i gave her = P
I bet she probably slept without doing it..haha...somehow i think her pattern and mine about the same. Always tu and tu..

I also noticed an increase in strength, almost overnight. I could do more pull ups then before the workout. Hmmmmm lets hope i could carry on this pace ^^