Thursday, November 02, 2006

what a day

Its been a long time since i blogged....haiz.

Damn....i've never been so royally pissed before.

This friend that i had.
I stress the word H A D - its in past tense, and you would be a total idiot not to know what it means.

If you were to wake up in the morning, seeing a missed call from someone. Let's call this someone your friend.

Would u return the call?

Well, yeah why not? Its my friend, he/she might need my help or attention.

What if it had been 9 missed calls?
Would it dawn on you that there is something, important? A message that a friend has to convey to you?
Apparently if i had been in an emergency and after 9 missed calls i still received no help. I would have been dead if i had been trapped in a blazing inferno or whatever.

Now, if you are running really late, and need to catch a train or bus. And have a friend that wishes to meet you up to take the same train/bus with u.
You are right infront of the train, and its leaving in a min.
Do you...
Call your friend and ask if he/she has arrived? and make a decision to wait 10 seconds more or board the train while explaining that you really can't afford to be late. (well apparently u are still late. so why not wait 5 mins more? i wonder.)

do you board the train, and after 2 stations send a text message to your friend to say, "hey i wasn't able to wait for you, i had to board the train."

Well its not that hard to choose which choice to make? or maybe it is for some people.

Have you ever heard of the term OXYMORON ?

Oxymoron is a Greek term derived from oxy ("sharp") and moros ("dull"). The meaning is "that which is sharp and dull," thereby designating and also exhibiting an opposition between two adjectives which serve as predicates for one subject

Tell me how this situation doesnt fit into the category above.

Lets say there is a wonderful lady named Late Always.
And a fucking idiot named Dumb Dumber.

Dumb had tried to meet Late for work for quite some time already, but apparently 7 am in the morning is a little too early for Late.
Dumb calls Late when he arrives at the designated meeting point to catch the train. Only to have Late call and say she's JUST woken up from her beautiful slumber.

The same thing happened for the second day they tried to meet up.

Then comes the third day, can u say D e j a V u?

After months of such D e j a V u s, Dumb tried meeting Late again, only this time round, Late was literally late, and Dumb was minutes behind of Late. Both racing to the train station to grab the 10 million dollar prize.

Apparently Late went off, without waiting for Dumb, simply because she doesnt want to be Late...( isnt she Late Always in the first place?)
Dumb, finally arrived after 5 years, no i meant 5 mins.
Only to find out Late had been off without him. Can you imagine how crossed he would be?
Not even a call? to say ur leaving?

Wait, whats more, Late had the blardy cheek to ask Dumb, to inform her in advanced if they were to ever meet and not when she's rushing for time.<------this sentence is a good example of an oxymoronic talk.

Well, every single time Dumb tried to meet Late in the morning, she gives a call saying she had just woken.
Virtually every single time.

Go figure.