Wednesday, October 04, 2006

What a CrazY night

BlEahx, first me and ivern went to Bugis, and saw Yan Qi working there, on one of the pushcarts selling rings and other accessories "Parasite" We ( Me and Ivern) waited for Jermin to appear after his classes which ends at 3. Heee i went to the cyber cafe at bugis, then managed to catch Pei Shan online ^^ chatted with her for awhile, cos need go eat lunch T_T was so hungry....

Went to Yoshinoya for lunch, and...the food there still...yuCKs...lets not talk abt it.

Ivern goes to work at 4, me and Jer heads down to Orchard to meet Emili, Sheena, Wei Yi and Shi Min. Oh my god, the sista co shops. lol =P
And as always, Emili the late, took the bus in the wrong direction and was late, again.
For the first time, Shi Min is not the latest. Which is a nice change.

We shopped around Wisma, Takashimya and had dinner, they had dinner, i had no appetite, probably yucked by the Yoshinoya. They had Pepperlunch, all 8 of us got to seat in a private corner ^^
We crapped alot there, and headed to Heerens thereafter, oh well, we were walking and shopping around Heerens, and ended up in the Balcony Bar, which is nice, i like the concept there, open air, very similar to a balcony ^^
We saw Firdaus who is our school mate in secondary school =D OH YAH we saw Mr Neo in TAKA after Pepper Lunch =x

Ok back to Balcony Bar, we ordered a few drinks and chilled out, i think thats pretty much it. We all headed home after that, oh yeahz Kenny(Mia's Boyfriend) drove over to pick us up, we were all a little too tipsy and probably did not want to take the train to protect xing xiang =X oh yeahz the We....would exclude me sheena and shi min =X

Anyways, i think thats all i can remember, hmmmMmmm.yeahz...thats all =X

BAHXXXX my head...still hurts abit, blardy Speaker RIGHT beside me, keep on going BOOM BOOM BOOM now i think my heart shifted places =X

Sunday, October 01, 2006

stock checking day

T_T had stock checking yesterday, the shop closed for stock checkingat 7 pm and everything ended at 10 pm =X
It was kinda tedious, counting the stock and tallying it with the help of an auditor.

Everything went on pretty smoothly, then boss treated us dinner to a restaurant at burlington building.

Got home at around 11 30 pm, didnt manage to catch Pei Shan online, probably sleeping=P
Oh well, looking forward to next week of school. =X