Friday, September 22, 2006


AHX i so long nv blog T_T
Cos my computer let my youngest bro make spoil T_T
Dunno what he do but the graphics card dieded. Now running on on board gfx. was fun!! went blading but Em pang seh....T_T
She asked us out go blading but dunno why in the end say not coming.
Oh well, me going to go out with Geana on the 7th oct...i think i say b4 but dunno why wanna say again =P

UNcle Joe sent me home today!! After our blading, uncle joe went to buy barang and sent us to Andrue's house to visit him, he has tt tube sticking out from his nose which he uses to feed glucose, its hanging out like some sci-fi movie flick =X

After that we went to Joo chiat for dinner, omg order so much tt si uncle joe, =X he think i can eat alot =X Cant blame him bahx, cos my size like this he sure think i eat alot but my appetite recently not really fantastic, i feel full eating lesser =x now i'm at home blogging, once the lappy charge ok le i need email Uncle Joe his report or something.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


I went blading this morning with sheena and kok peng !! Omg, was it fun to feel the speed and wind!!

Bleah, i still cant wait till 7th oct T_T heee can go shopping with Geana ^^ keke


i'm so high right now bleahX.

sTupiD elizabeth!! i whete got ill talk abt u here worx....T_T nv mahx.....just describe ur truth self nia =P bakabakabaka!!!!