Friday, August 18, 2006

what a DAY!! i went down to my club at paragon for a workout session.
I was really gong gong go in, then O M G the babes inside workout wooOOOOOOT
I dunno how all those guys tahan watching them workout. I think i need to do something about myself, if not i later buay tahan duno wat crimes i will commit T_T

I was introduced to James a well built personal trainer, tall, tanned, and well built + hamsome and he's such a nice guy but not in a ghey way lahx.
He helped me with 2 circuits, first circuit consist of 3 machines.
We worked on the Deltoids, Back and Thighs. 1st warm up on the cycling machine then we proceeded with a warmup on the machines, 15 reps makes 1 set.
I did the 3 machines without rest makes up the 1st set. Second set was thougher and the 3rd set the thoughest, but he assisted me in both positioning and posture of doing the workouts.

Without his help, i would be doing it the wrong way which is alot easier but doesnt at all workout
any of your muscles =X
It is a real big difference working out with the right postures.
And i have also learnt that if i were to continue with cardio excercises, it would only let me shed off a few kilos not more than 5. This is water the body lost and is accustomed to losing this amouunt of water and i would find tt my weight might not only stand still but might increase a little.
In order to burn fats, the best way is to build muscle mass. The following is the definitation of muscle mass.

It is a metabolically active tissue as opposed to merely depositing fat, and thus influences the basal metabolic rate severely; With increasing muscle mass the daily turnaround at a state of rest increases disproportionally in relation to bodyweight. Muscle mass defines the main component of BCM (body cell mass)

Many people mistake it as Arnold Swarzzenegger type but you would be surprised a lean person can have more muscle mass than the Mayor ^^.

So by increasing muscle mass, i can increase my metabolic rate serverly thus having my body burn up fat like shooting up terrorists with a m249 machine gun ^^

Well after the work out, i went to pasir ris to meet Chermont to help her with her Circuit Analysis.
Taught her a few stuffs not much though. We left at 6 45, she went to east point to meet her friend.
wish i could go out with her next time minus studying ^^
She's really beautiful, very charming i must say ^^
Impressed with her ^^



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