Thursday, September 14, 2006

i bought my blades ^^

HmmMm i bought my blades yesterday!! will take photos of it asap!!!! Its with kok peng now, if i bring home my mom is bound to kill me =X. ALmost break arm still buy blades lolx =X

Well, Sheena has been so nice to me by accompanying me for the X-ray but we concluded that my arm dun have any fractures else it would have swell and i would also have fever =X
So sheena brought me to see this chinese sinseh in bedok reservoir. That stupid elf also ask me go, i didnt believe those sinseh could touch touch and know whats wrong, apparently i am wrong.

He put some pressure on my elbow on different spots and asked if it hurt, most of them dun hurt and even if it does its only a slight pain, my only problem is that i can reach the back of my head and my ass.

WITHOUT warning he pushed my arm till my wrist touches my shoulder and OUCHHHHHH

He held it there for 2 to 3 mins which seemed like hours.
He soon applied some medicated oil and massaged my elbow, ouch ouch ouch..=X
He got his assistant to bring a bandage that has some medical paste on it and wrapped it around my elbow and kinda bandaged it up and charged me 20 dollars for it.

Wow.....quite an experience really, and now i can type faster, sleep better and at the very least wash the dishes but not carry heavy stuffs with my left arm yet, so no gym for this week, omg i have been missing 3 sessions already T_T.

I went blading again yesterday, with Sheena kokpeng and jer, at uncle andrue's place ^^ sure was fun!! My blades are Abec-7 which means the ball bearings are more precise and thus faster, or shall i say has lesser resistance thus picks up speed faster, alot faster ^^

Sheena managed to skate alot better this time, her form is starting to pick up ^^ Keep it up NANA!!

After the evening me and jer went to whitesands for dinner, been a long time since i have been there for meals. Uncle Joe gave us a lift to whitesands ^^ Me, jer kp and uncle andrue squeeeeeeeZED into the back seats and OMG was it crowded, thanks to my extra large butt too =X

Haha, i ordered chicken rice....and...i kinda recall eating there with shi min a few times, dunno why but suddenly become emotional. BahX nvm, it'll just die off soon enough ^^

Now its 9 am, time to go shower and head to work!!
WOrk place has renovated, so i would take a few photos and post them here ^^

Damn, i really should have taken photos of Elizabeth's room when i had the chance =PP


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